A Wise Money Habit Worksheets
A Wise Money Habit()

A Wise Money Habit

A Wise Money Habit For Google Apps

A Wise Money Habit

Faith is a grade 3 students who is excited to be getting allowance. Her parents taught her the importance of saving money. Saving could help her achieve her dreams and goals. She decided to save half her allowance each week and put it in a piggy bank. Faith watched with excitement as her bank filled up. One day, her friend asked her to go to the movies but Faith discovered she did not have enough money. She had her friend over for a movie night instead. Months passed and Faith's bank got heavier and heavier. One day she decide to count it. She was surprised to see she saved enough to buy a new bike. She learned a lesson about money. It taught her patience and discipline. By saving she was able to achieve her goal.

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